I've been wondering why people find blogs interesting. After all, a lot of them are just like online journals - full of personal thoughts and ramblings. Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that we bloggers write because we have to let it all come out somewhere, and people read the ramblings because we are all voyeurs at heart. We read, hoping to find some little bit of inspiration, titillation or motivation from someone else's thoughts or opinions. It's like living a second-hand life in a way. My own experiences are dull, let me see if I can get a thrill from someone else's.

Well, dear reader, (assuming you exist) if you're looking for excitement - you're in the wrong place. All my thrills come from my imagination and do not live in the non-fiction department of my website.

A promise to myself - once my book is in print, I will go out and GET A LIFE.
9/23/2009 07:53:53 am

I have a real problem with blogs. Why do people want to publish their diaries? It really is dominated by thoughts of what people had for lunch and who they bumped into at Tescos.

Or for writers, it's about their thought processes as they go along and write. But personally, I don't really want to give the mystery away, as the thought processes are so tortuously distorted, they make about as much sense as those 'brilliant' dreams you wake up to jot down and then read back the next morning to say 'ho hum'. It's like keeping the scaffolding up in place even when the dream house has finished being built.

Having said that of course, one has a book to plug so you have to give the target audience something to bite on. Pah.

10/1/2009 06:46:51 am

And now I've reconsidered. Writer blogs that throw open things to other writers, like Dan Holloway's
which throws out so much helpful info and links on all aspects of writing and marketing are worth their weight in gold.

So I started a second blog, stripped of plugging and samples of my work, but purely reporting on my experience of the self-publishing process as more and more writers choose to go down that route. I hope it offers some useful insight to my fellow scribes.


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